Thursday, January 7, 2010

America, Home of the Free? Why?

Can we be more complacent in America? I am so frustrated after reading about a beautiful Millard County Sheriff’s Officer Josie Greathouse Fox that was killed by a previously deported illegal immigrant. I truly believe that we are falling asleep at the wheel in America. This piece of crap illegal immigrant has criminal history beginning all the way back in 1992. He was also convicted and sentenced in 1997 for up to 15 years however he was released and placed on parole in 1998. Does anyone else find this astonishing? Sentencing of up to 15 years and served approximately 1 year. What is wrong with this picture? Again, let me remind you he is an illegal immigrant. I have no problem with immigrants. My family is full of them, however they were all legal. Apply for citizenship, go through the process and become a citizen for God’s sake. Here’s a clue, if people are here illegally and we allow it, why would they find any reason to comply with the rest of our laws?

Mr. Roman, the piece of crap that selfishly and needlessly killed Officer Greathouse Fox, was arrested and convicted of two felony crimes and let me remind you Mr. Roman was illegal, which is a crime in itself but he somehow managed to get paroled. The Utah Board of Pardons and Parole spokesman Jim Hatch told us all that he successfully completed his parole. How successful can an illegal immigrant be? Is this a problem with the system or what? I can’t imagine that he was truly supervised the way he should have been, oh, that’s right, he shouldn’t have been supervised. He should have been in jail, rotting his life away. Home of the free, land of the brave? Here’s a clue, the criminals shouldn’t be the ones that are free, and the brave shouldn’t have to die unnecessarily.

Why anyone would you think that someone who commits crimes dating all the way back to 1992 would be worthy of being paroled is beyond me. Why someone who has been deported previously was allowed to live in America freely is also beyond comprehension. It’s just shameful. Truly shameful!

This is just another reminder of the need to close our borders. Until we can stop the illegal flow from Mexico to the United States things will just get worse. Our economy will be in trouble and crime will be rampant. Go America! You make me proud. Not!