Saturday, December 26, 2009

US Terror Plot Attempted Bombing

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant we have become as a nation. It is incomprehensible to me that TSA won’t allow me to carry a small bottle of liquid makeup remover on a plane however; we will transport a known terrorist around the world on an International flight. Tell me, who do you think is the bigger threat?

How about this? You’re a terrorist, you don’t fly. Period. There, that was simple wasn’t it? So we might inconvenience a terrorist and make him find another means of travel, gee that’s just too bad. When did we become so soft that we don’t want to offend anyone, namely terrorists?

Are we serious? Our Government actually said they didn’t have enough information to revoke his Visa to the United States? That’s a really lame excuse for someone not doing their job if you ask me. Do we have enough to revoke it now?

How accommodating do we need to be? I can’t believe Judge Borman asked Abdulmutallab if he pronounced his last name correctly. Are we kidding here, how about we call him what he is? A terrorist. Who cares if we pronounce his name right? Maybe the Judge could help Abdulmutallab arrange his holiday flight for next year, since he wants to be so accommodating. What is the world coming to?

When are we going to wake up? When a father finds his son’s behavior radical enough to advise the government that he might be a problem maybe we should consider this a concern too. This should have raised a red flag, don’t you think? But no, we don’t prevent incidents like these. We react to them by instituting a new rule, no standing on the plane an hour before landing. Yes, limiting when you can stand up on a plane, that’ll stop those terrorists. Who are they trying to kid? Does an incendiary device not blow up in a seat as well as the aisle? Does it truly matter if you are standing or sitting?

The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment database maintained by the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center contains some 550,000 names of terrorists but none of these people are prohibited from boarding an inbound flight to the United States. So, that means that one by one or even a whole plane full of these suspected or known terrorists are welcome to come to the United States anytime they want. What are we thinking? Should we greet them at the airport when they arrive? How about some welcome gift baskets filled with grenades, incendiary devices, flak jackets? We want them to feel comfortable and welcome don’t we?

Wake up America. Like George W. Bush said, “ Any government that supports, protects or harbors terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent and equally guilty of terrorist crimes.”

They might be terrorists, but we are becoming their accomplices.

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